
This film is a contemporary homage to Camille Claudel during her tumultuous relationship with Auguste Rodin (considered “the father of modern sculpture” and sculptor of the “Thinker”).  Camille was an extremely gifted sculptor in her own right, but she spent her youth in the shadows of Rodin, a married man almost twice her age.  After she was pressured to have an abortion by Rodin, her mental health deteriorated and she spent the rest of her life in a mental asylum.  Camille became a footnote in Rodin’s legacy and a forgotten figure in art history.

The film is an interpretation of an imagined, modern Camille Claudel named Lynn and her tipping point into madness after a turbulent and misguided termination of a pregnancy.  However, unlike the real Camille Claudel, Lynn steps out of the shadows of her oppressive partner and defines her true self like the immaculate art pieces she sculpts.

Genre:  Drama (Narrative Structure)
Tone:  Experimental
Setting:  Present Day, Sculpture Reproduction Shop
Time frame:  2 Days

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